Expert Warns That Cutting Graduate Recruitment Is Commercial Suicide
Released on: October 29, 2008, 4:39 am
Press Release Author: Hannah Lane/apt marketing & pr ltd
Industry: Human Resources
Press Release Summary: The economic slowdown has caused many companies to reassess their recruitment activity as financial belts are tightened. Many are inclined to freeze graduate recruitment plans; a tactic which Jonathan Evans of Discovery Recruitment warns is a big mistake.
Press Release Body: A recent report from the Higher Education Statistics Agency states that unemployment rates for university graduates are much lower than in previous years. The annual survey tracks students six months after graduation and found that 5.6% are out of work, compared with 6.1% the previous year. However, as these are 2007 figures, the effect of this year's economic downturn cannot yet be fully assessed. At this point it is difficult to estimate the impact on the graduate recruitment market but no doubt businesses will be nervously looking at ways to cut costs. Jonathan Evans believes this is one area where companies should continue to invest.
Discovery Recruitment specialises in nationwide graduate recruitment across many industry sectors and understands how important it is to maintain a steady flow of new talent into a business. MD, Jonathan Evans is adamant that without regular graduate intake, a company is risking its future business success. Employers must decide where staffing cuts are best made with regard to their long-term interests. This apparently negative situation could potentially be used to streamline staff resources. If cuts must be made then Jonathan Evans suggests looking at trimming high-waged middle managers, allowing for the continued introduction of fresh young talent into the business.
Jonathan Evans, MD of Discovery recruitment comments, "Some employers may stop taking on graduates as the economy stands still. Businesses must understand that this represents commercial suicide for them in the long-run; they should be seeing this as the time to invest in their future not just thinking about the here and now. Employers must continue to feed the recruitment pipeline in order to secure a stable future. If anything, businesses should be getting rid of expensive, non-producing 'dead wood' if cut backs have to be made, rather than cutting off the supply of vital future talent."
Interviews with Jonathan Evans, MD of Discovery recruitment are available on request.
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Contact Details: Hannah Lane apt marketing & pr ltd The Studios Beechurst House The Reddings Cheltenham Gloucestershire GL51 6RT 01242 250692
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